8:20Entry Bell
8:20 - 8:35Homeroom
8:35 - 9:25First Period
9:25 - 10:15Second Period
10:00 - 10:15Recess grades K-3
10:15 - 10:30Recess grades 4-8
10:30 - 11:20Third Period
11:20 - 12:10Fourth Period
12:10 - 1:00Lunch
1:00 - 1:50Fifth Period
1:40Dismissal grades K-2
1:50 - 2:40Sixth Period
2:40Dismissal grades 3-8


At Magnetic Hill School we are “more than a community we are a caring family of lifelong learners”. As a caring family we expect that everyone in the building will treat each other in a respectful manner, while taking responsibility and accountability for our actions. These are reflected in our expectations of our students and our school staff. Staff and students are expected to put forth their best effort and to conduct themselves in a manner that will promote a safe and orderly learning environment. School and classroom rules, as well as expected behaviors, will be explained to the students at the beginning of the academic year in a way that is developmentally appropriate.

We will support a positive learning environment .

All students are expected to:

· Do their best.
· Attend regularly.
· Arrive on time.
· Show respect for self and others.
· Respect property.
· Respect our scent free environment.
· Say NO to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

All students are expected to:

► Enter and exit the building through their designated door in an orderly manner, in the morning, after recess or after lunch hour.
► Be punctual and go directly and quietly to all classes … staying to the right hand side of the hall.
► Electronics such as Portable CD/MP3 and I-pod players, electronic games and toys are to be left at home. We will not assume responsibility for lost or stolen items. Specific teams may have events where electronics are required or permitted by teachers. This will be communicated to parents in advance.
► As a K-8 school we do not permit student use of Cell phones in the building during instructional time. There is a phone in the office for student use, and messages left at the office will be relayed to students. Students who are required to bring cell phones are to store them in a secure place (locker) or leave them at the office. They are to be turned to silent mode.
► Visible Cell phones will be taken by staff and left at the office until a parent/guardian comes in to retrieve it after 24 hours.
► Snacks and drinks are allowed only with teacher permission … and not permitted on the playground.
► Due to the associated health risks energy drinks are not permitted at Magnetic Hill School.
► We promote a scent free environment and will be respectful of others by not using scented products or body sprays.
► We respect that others have allergies and health issues, and will not endanger our classmates by bringing in food items that might trigger a reaction. NEW FOOD ALLERGY ALERT: (Peanuts, Sesame Seeds, Nut Products, All Tree Nuts and Shellfish)

Peer Mistreatment behaviors and issues:

At Magnetic Hill School we are involved in a continuous process to make our school a safer place. We are working with students and staff to ensure that peer mistreatment is a concern that is addressed by all members of staff. We encourage parents and students to share their concerns with the staff so that we may act accordingly. We cannot help if we do not know.

Our definition of Peer Mistreatment:

No words can describe peer mistreatment, because it is on such a personal level, and its effects (long and short) are so damaging. At Magnetic Hill School peer mistreatment is the act of continuously and intentionally using power in a way to emotionally, relationally and/or physically hurt an individual(s) and by doing so causing the victim(s) to feel vulnerable.

Our Mission Statement about Peer Mistreatment:

Have the courage to take away the pain; when someone says something mean – say something nice. Courage is doing the right thing even when others are doing something wrong. One person can make a difference.

If you wouldn’t like it, why would you do it to someone else?

Think twice, be Nice
Support and Report
Assemblies and Special Events:

· During assemblies students are to sit with their hands and feet to themselves and respect each other’s space.

· Applaud in appropriate way.

· Listen quietly during presentations.

· Students will go directly to the designated area to meet the teacher responsible for the activity.

· Students are not permitted in the gym or computer room without teacher supervision.

Dress Code

· Hats are to be removed when entering the school building this includes after school activities.

· Outer wear (coats) are to be removed once entering the classroom.

· Clothing and personal articles that promote alcohol use, illegal substances, tobacco, violence or containing suggestive language or illustrations, or that discriminates against any race, creed, gender, or religion are prohibited.

· Clothing will be appropriate to a school learning environment and reflect the student’s respect for self and others (for example, but not limited to: no bare midriff, all undergarments to be covered, appropriate length shorts).

· Foot wear will be appropriate for a school environment.

· Students who are not dressed in an acceptable way may be required to change or referred to the Administration. (Based on the Teacher’s Judgment)

Specific Items
Early Morning-Recess-Noon Hour

Students are to enter through their specified door at the bell.

Follow rules for your area (book bags, jackets, based on Team expectations)

When students are permitted in the building because of inclement weather – students are to proceed directly to their classroom.

Outside … follow playground rules and students are to remain in their designated areas.

Inside … follow classroom rules as posted in your class.

Students are not to enter other homerooms.

Cafeteria/Breakfast Club:

Students are to line up single file to get their food or purchase items.

Students are not to save spaces in line or purchase items for other students.

Food from the cafeteria or breakfast club is not permitted outside the cafeteria.

Students are responsible for clearing off their tables and placing trash in the garbage.

Students will be dismissed by staff on duty, and are to leave the cafeteria in an orderly manner.

Students are to follow the direction of staff or volunteers when in the cafeteria.

Eating in the cafeteria or breakfast club is a privilege and can be withdrawn at any time due to behavior.

After School:

Students are to exit the building and go directly to their bus.

Transportation arrangements for after school activities are to be made in advance and not at the end of the day.

Students involved in an after school event, are to go to their designated area and wait for the supervising teacher.

Middle school students are to remain in their home room until dismissal time.

Code of Conduct
All students have the right to …

Be respected.

Learn in a safe, clean and healthy environment.

Hear and be heard.

Have clear rules to follow.

Learn in a place where intentional mistreatment is not tolerated.

As a student I have a responsibility to …

Treat others with kindness, honesty, courtesy and respect.

Be attentive, to complete all assignments to the best of my ability, and to seek help when needed.

Behave and play without harming or without threatening others.

Respond in a respectful manner when spoken to by any member of our school staff.

Respect and care for school property.

Respect the privacy and possessions of others.

Follow the rules of the school and to accept the consequences of my behaviour

Follow the guidelines of policy 311 on internet use both inside and outside of the building and accept responsibility for my digital citizenship

Model appropriate behavior for guest staff

Each team will set specific consequences for behavior.

ALL Staff have the right to:

Be treated with respect, kindness, honesty and courtesy by students, staff and parents.

Work in a safe, clean and healthy environment.

Be part of the decision-making process at the school.

Pursue professional growth and development.

To put have in place expectations that are understood by staff and students and supported by parents.

I have a responsibility to …

Demonstrate a belief that all students can learn.

Give assignments that make learning relevant.

Promote a safe and positive learning environment for students and staff.

Be a good adult role model to my team and school and to abide by policies and regulations.

Communicate with parents.

To model appropriate behavior and enforce the rules of the school.

Collaborate with and support other staff and team members in their various roles

Parents, Guardians and Volunteers:
Have a right to …

Be treated with respect, kindness, honesty and courtesy by all students and staff.

Expect that my child will be treated with respect, as an individual and have his/her academic, social and emotional needs met.

Be part of the decision-making process at the school.

Know that behavioral expectations are in place for all children.

I have a responsibility to …

Support and encourage the following of the school expectations and application of consequences.

Make sure my child attends classes regularly.

Notify the school in advance of planned absence. (Tournaments and trips).

Arrives on time.

Check in at the office when picking up or dropping off my child.

Remain at the office when my child is paged from the classroom.

To support my child in the completion of his/her assigned work.

Communicate with the school if my child will be late or absent.

Help my child develop and maintain a positive attitude towards school, staff and school property.

Obey traffic patterns and school directives for use of drop off lanes, entry and exit to the school during bus drop off time. (7:40-8:00)

Interact with staff in a way that is mutually respectful.

Guests and guest staff:

Will report to office upon arrival at the school

Will be treated with the same level of respect as other adults in the building

Will treat others in the building in a respectful way

In Support of our Code of Conduct we will continue to use our M.A.G.S. Matrix
Making Good ChoicesAttitudeGritSafety
CafeteriaI clean up after myself.I use a polite and indoor voice.I am a positive role model for other students.I stay seated until dismissed.
I ask permission to leave my seat.I respond to the quiet signal: Lights Off, Hand Up.I eat what is sent with me.I walk in the cafeteria.
I eat most, or all, of my lunch.I listen to the speaker.I do not cut in line.I stay in my own bubble.
I model good behavior.
ClassroomI put things away and care for my property.I use an appropriate voice level and am a good listener.I do my best on all my work.I sit on chairs properly and push in my chair when done.
I am co-operative with teachers, classmates and visitors.I share and take turns.I come prepared with all my materials.I walk, don’t run.
I follow directions the FIRST time.I am ready to learn and participate.I respect deadlines.I stay in my own bubble.
I am responsible for my learning.
I ask for help when needed and let others help me.
Around the SchoolI go straight to where I need to go.I walk quietly and in a straight line.I am aware of my actions around the school.I stay to the right when others go by.
I use appropriate language and volume.I respond appropriately to students, staff and other adults in the building.I stay in my bubble.
I keep up with the class line.I do not touch anyone else’s property, artwork or displays.I keep hallways clean and clear.
I stay in my bubble. I am patient and wait my turn.I keep floors and walls dry and clean.
I close my locker and lock it.I respect other’s privacy.I wash my hands with soap and water.
In the bathrooms I take turns and clean up after myself.Toilets are for sitting.
OutsideI collect my things and Line up when the bell rings.I follow directions and take turns.I am responsible for my choices.Hands off, feet off
I am a good winner and a good loser.I am responsible for my actions.I do not blame others.I respect boundaries.
Think Twice, Be Nice.I use all equipment properly.
BusI choose a seat and stay in it.I listen to the driver and obey the rules.I respect the personal space of others.I stay in my seat and wait my turn.
A driver can assign me to a seat.I accept the decision of the driver and do not argue.I keep my hands and feet to myself.
I keep all items in my seat.I am aware of my surroundings. getting on and off the bus, or getting dropped off at the school.